Dr. Allen is the founder and executive chairman of Nazeri & Company Co., Ltd, a boutique firm focused on Healthcare Advisory, Consulting, Investment Banking, and the CEO of Dr. Allen Nazeri Healthcare Advisory Group, based in Bangkok, Hong Kong & Las Vegas. Dr. Allen began his professional career as a Cosmetic Reconstructive Implant Dental surgeon in USA for nearly 24 years and provided dental services to some of the most notable ,influential leaders in the world such as Mr. Bill Gates, Dennis Washington, Liz Koch, Richard Heckmann, Ralph Brunette, Andre Agassi, Dr. Wayne Dyer , and many confidential super models and hollywood celebrities. Dr. Allen's career took a path of serial entrepreneurship over the many years that he practiced. At age 47, he decided to retire from clinical dentistry and decided to take a leadership and management role as an advisor and a consultant in the field of healthcare and devote his career to teach doctors about leadership, sales, marketing and increasing their companies' valuation. He expanded his healthcare consulting practice to southeast Asia where due to increased aging population and middle income expansion has resulted in massive expansion of healthcare groups in the region. In 2016, due to the large demand for healthcare transactions he established a global healthcare investment banking firm. Dr. Nazeri has completed his MBA from the University of Bedfordshire in London, UK. He is the first medical professional ever, who ever completed a MBA program in Global Investment Banking, M&A, and Private Equity Investments. Dr. Allen owned and operated 15 dental clinics in the United States and was the director of education for a 300 location group dental practice. He currently serves in a consulting and advisory role with MALO CLINIC Global, the largest dental group in the world, as well as works very closely with MALO CLINIC Thailand, Singapore & Norway. He has been involved in consulting hundreds of clients from start up phase all the way through public listings and had also been a catalyst in securing private equity funding for many large dental groups both in Asia and USA. Dr. Allen has trained over 2500 doctors and team members since 2001 in the areas of exceptional practice management and highly skilled case presentation skills. Dr. Allen has completed leadership and customer service training at John Maxwell Leadership Center, The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center as well as The Disney Institute. He is an active member of ACG ( Association for Corporate Growth ), ASQ Global Voice of Quality. He is currently work as a consultant for two medical city projects in southeast Asia. He is an author of 3 books, “Smart Spending on Your Teeth”, A blueprint to successful dental treatment as well as “152 Tips to Practice Smarter' and " 180 Practice Tips from a Silver-Haired Dentist ". He is also working on series of other books to be released soon in areas of sales, leadership and investment banking. Dr. Allen and his practice philosophy has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN TV networks as well as industry magazines such as Dental Town and Dental One. Dr. Allen Nazeri is available as speaker in the areas of Leadership, Strategic Partnerships, Dental Management, Valuations and M&A for all medical and dental conferences around the world to expose the little talked about subject of business in healthcare.